Clarivate Analytics (NYSE: CCC) is selling part of its MarkMonitor business to OpSec Security.
OpSec Security is an anticounterfeiting and brand protection company. It will acquire the MarkMonitor brand protection, antipiracy and antifraud business from Clarivate.
This does not include the MarkMonitor Domain Management business. Clarivate is re-organizing its business into two groups, one of which will cover intellectual property and will include MarkMonitor’s domain business.
The portion of MarkMonitor that Clarivate is retaining will still do brand protection as it relates to cybersquatting, trademark detection, etc. However, it will no longer do anticounterfeiting detection and mitigation, antipiracy, and antifraud.
Clarivate will retain the MarkMonitor brand.
The transaction is expected to close by the end of the yar.
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