ICA launches weekly UDRP case summary digest

ICA launches weekly UDRP case summary digest

ICA launches weekly UDRP case summary digest

The Internet Commerce Association announced that, commencing August 23, 2021, the ICA will be offering a free weekly UDRP Case Summary Digest by email. UDRP cases of note will be summarized weekly and sent out every Monday, beginning today.


The ICA believes that this new service will provide an additional and helpful resource for UDRP practitioners, UDRP panelists, and domain name registrants to assist them in keeping current on new cases of note as they are released. While WIPO and NAF send out daily emails listing newly decided cases, it is a time-consuming challenge to distinguish from among the many routine cases the few which are noteworthy.  

ICA announced Mr. Ankur Raheja as the Editor of the ICA’s new weekly UDRP Case Summary service. Ankur has practiced law in India since 2005 and has been practicing domain name law for nearly ten years, representing clients from all over the world in UDRP proceedings. Ankur Raheja is an accredited UDRP panelist with ADNDRC (Hong Kong) and MFSD (Italy). Previously, Ankur worked as an Arbitrator/Panelist with .IN Registry for six years. The ICA is grateful to Ankur for undertaking this project to identify and summarize noteworthy UDRP decisions as they are published, which we hope will be a benefit for all who wish to keep up-to-date with UDRP jurisprudence. Ankur will be sending tweets with the highlights of individual cases of note and will also be preparing somewhat longer summaries of noteworthy cases for the weekly UDRP Case Summary Digest which is delivered by email.

To sign up for the ICA’s free weekly case summary digest service by email, please click here, and please make sure to select the “UDRP Newsletter” field. To receive Ankur’s tweets during the week with selected case highlights, follow @ICAdomains on Twitter.


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Original article: ICA launches weekly UDRP case summary digest

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