A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on September 17, 2021.
If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve. I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.
GoDaddy Names at Auction
Domain | Status | Price | Bids |
0064.cc | Ended with bids | $62.00 | 14 |
08368.com | Ended with bids | $151.00 | 18 |
14thstcafe.com | Ended with bids | $320.00 | 35 |
60892.com | Ended with bids | $151.00 | 16 |
77667.com | Ended with bids | $5,200.00 | 249 |
79765.com | Ended with bids | $345.00 | 38 |
80158.com | Ended with bids | $166.00 | 23 |
AllAroundBedding.com | Ended with bids | $190.00 | 28 |
Arma3servers.com | Ended with bids | $105.00 | 17 |
BestAndroidapk.com | Ended with bids | $252.00 | 51 |
Bet78.com | Ended with bids | $8,601.00 | 292 |
BigTail.com | Ended with bids | $918.00 | 73 |
BinaryUno.com | Ended with bids | $449.00 | 17 |
BocceStandardsAssociation.org | Ended with bids | $375.00 | 47 |
BolonkaTreasures.com | Ended with bids | $45.00 | 10 |
BusanDal15.net | Ended with bids | $90.00 | 6 |
Caiindia.org | Ended with bids | $32.00 | 5 |
CalNature.org | Ended with bids | $305.00 | 51 |
CapeKids.com | Ended with bids | $302.00 | 44 |
CaribbeanGrillBoca.com | Ended with bids | $315.00 | 10 |
CashHelper.com | Ended with bids | $755.00 | 65 |
CastInBronze.com | Ended with bids | $510.00 | 8 |
cdstenerife.com | Ended with bids | $70.00 | 8 |
CEXW.com | Ended with bids | $155.00 | 14 |
ChinaWokUnioncity.com | Ended with bids | $115.00 | 16 |
Cirurgia.com | Ended with bids | $4,100.00 | 127 |
consuladoangolarj.org | Ended with bids | $60.00 | 7 |
Craft.me | Ended with bids | $1,026.00 | 43 |
CSSHunter.com | Ended with bids | $165.00 | 9 |
CyberVote.com | Ended with bids | $511.00 | 23 |
DeckerHotel.com | Ended with bids | $680.00 | 22 |
diacritice.com | Ended with bids | $215.00 | 32 |
DinetteSeattle.com | Ended with bids | $611.00 | 17 |
DQSU.com | Ended with bids | $130.00 | 10 |
DriftX.com | Ended with bids | $704.00 | 33 |
DynamicExperiencesGroup.com | Ended with bids | $340.00 | 34 |
Dyrty.com | Ended with bids | $219.00 | 26 |
EagleGet.com | Ended with bids | $25,500.00 | 219 |
EasyCleanEnergy.com | Ended with bids | $740.00 | 42 |
Emphoto.com | Ended with bids | $642.00 | 61 |
FairShareMusic.com | Ended with bids | $585.00 | 20 |
FeeLance.com | Ended with bids | $1,165.00 | 66 |
FerrarosFive.com | Ended with bids | $210.00 | 35 |
fightinforphilly.com | Ended with bids | $1,320.00 | 14 |
FiledWon.info | Ended with bids | $909.00 | 118 |
FinIndex.com | Ended with bids | $363.00 | 36 |
FiveIslandsPress.com | Ended with bids | $510.00 | 29 |
FoxyFit.com | Ended with bids | $1,500.00 | 94 |
GFDB.com | Ended with bids | $800.00 | 56 |
GreenPathTransfers.com | Ended with bids | $225.00 | 16 |
HealthTipsToday.net | Ended with bids | $37.00 | 8 |
HeartOfGold.org | Ended with bids | $185.00 | 18 |
HKongs.com | Ended with bids | $130.00 | 17 |
HNNDaily.com | Ended with bids | $1,415.00 | 16 |
HollywoodPostAlliance.org | Ended with bids | $660.00 | 27 |
HunanMichiganCenter.com | Ended with bids | $260.00 | 9 |
IeeeAiTests.com | Ended with bids | $200.00 | 33 |
InSafeHands.com | Ended with bids | $3,588.00 | 123 |
InvestorPal.com | Ended with bids | $510.00 | 33 |
Jegga.com | Ended with bids | $430.00 | 61 |
JevoHealth.com | Ended with bids | $2,075.00 | 126 |
Joyrides.com | Ended with bids | $16,000.00 | 146 |
KegMaster.com | Ended with bids | $620.00 | 32 |
Kimuya.com | Ended with bids | $265.00 | 33 |
lakshyatrust.com | Ended with bids | $310.00 | 11 |
Laranjasonline.com | Ended with bids | $35.00 | 6 |
latestjobpk.com | Ended with bids | $80.00 | 5 |
LethalPenguin.net | Ended with bids | $185.00 | 8 |
Luxury360.com | Ended with bids | $900.00 | 98 |
MamboJambo.com | Ended with bids | $500.00 | 39 |
MandarinHouseStlouis.com | Ended with bids | $240.00 | 25 |
MaternityDays.com | Ended with bids | $166.00 | 31 |
Maxvel.com | Ended with bids | $702.00 | 37 |
Metroserv.com | Ended with bids | $280.00 | 51 |
MonarchBrewingCo.com | Ended with bids | $112.00 | 8 |
mp3-pn.com | Ended with bids | $82.00 | 6 |
News80.com | Ended with bids | $1,015.00 | 57 |
NicolasAndEmiliano.com | Ended with bids | $160.00 | 17 |
NothingButCrunch.com | Ended with bids | $78.00 | 16 |
OneTerminal.com | Ended with bids | $535.00 | 72 |
owl-tradeacad.com | Ended with bids | $85.00 | 5 |
PhillyRoofing.com | Ended with bids | $331.00 | 15 |
Piknu.com | Ended with bids | $6,900.00 | 76 |
PoetryMagazine.com | Ended with bids | $2,075.00 | 91 |
premiojovenrural.org | Ended with bids | $450.00 | 68 |
Pressed-Ottawa.com | Ended with bids | $4,850.00 | 31 |
PressReleaseWriters.org | Ended with bids | $125.00 | 22 |
Primalx.com | Ended with bids | $702.00 | 21 |
RJOE.com | Ended with bids | $286.00 | 44 |
RXZU.com | Ended with bids | $140.00 | 10 |
Saloncouturemn.com | Ended with bids | $260.00 | 19 |
ScottHansen.com | Ended with bids | $1,102.00 | 75 |
SimplyYouthMinistry.com | Ended with bids | $860.00 | 9 |
Squash2020.com | Ended with bids | $985.00 | 70 |
StartBuying.com | Ended with bids | $722.00 | 72 |
SteveReidFoundation.org | Ended with bids | $105.00 | 9 |
SureToGrow.com | Ended with bids | $300.00 | 30 |
Tarugo.com | Ended with bids | $265.00 | 34 |
TaylorFor2021.com | Ended with bids | $265.00 | 27 |
Tender.me | Ended with bids | $379.00 | 56 |
TheatreUnbound.com | Ended with bids | $376.00 | 24 |
TheDriveBook.com | Ended with bids | $233.00 | 23 |
thefyslife.com | Ended with bids | $1,550.00 | 26 |
TheSportsStopPub.com | Ended with bids | $254.00 | 44 |
TopInterviewQuestions.info | Ended with bids | $620.00 | 152 |
TownCommercial.com | Ended with bids | $27.00 | 5 |
UGStudents.com | Ended with bids | $311.00 | 40 |
uHelios.com | Ended with bids | $420.00 | 40 |
UnlockFitness.com | Ended with bids | $510.00 | 29 |
UppBook.com | Ended with bids | $37.00 | 7 |
UsCoin.net | Ended with bids | $160.00 | 27 |
UTXZ.com | Ended with bids | $118.00 | 8 |
VBBet.com | Ended with bids | $591.00 | 61 |
VoicesOfLiberty.com | Ended with bids | $1,025.00 | 34 |
WagtasticPetstuff.com | Ended with bids | $190.00 | 14 |
WareSeeker.com | Ended with bids | $4,050.00 | 57 |
WestWrite.com | Ended with bids | $120.00 | 16 |
WinFab.com | Ended with bids | $1,075.00 | 36 |
Worldtronics.com | Ended with bids | $150.00 | 19 |
WRProvince.net | Ended with bids | $305.00 | 9 |
WWWSearch.com | Ended with bids | $227.00 | 33 |
YEJM.com | Ended with bids | $140.00 | 13 |
Dishaa.com | Ended with bids | $384.00 | 11 |
Sigmatica.com | Ended with bids | $82.00 | 7 |
Digiix.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
ShearLove.com | Ended with bids | $702.00 | 12 |
KindHand.com | Ended with bids | $320.00 | 41 |
BidsCoin.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
Hive2.com | Ended with bids | $254.00 | 52 |
Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.

Other Names at Auction
SolarBank.io I think solar and dot io play well together. Price is pretty cheap
Rooting.io I see the growing roots representation here but could be cheering too
Breeders.io Perfect name for ZED run stable
At $99 with a week left
Running.to Don’t love dot to. But I do love running
Available in 5 days
Yuvu.com I figure this will be the top price of all the names at the Sedo 4L auction
At $1,650 with 5 days left
Belp.com The pronounceable 4Ls always are in demand as well
At 800 EUR with 5 days left
FAML.com L for league. Could be family
At 320 EUR with 5 days left
BLDN.com Great letters. Also N for network
At 349 EUR with 5 days left
BKRS.com At 342 monthlies this gets the most traffic out of all the 4Ls at the newest Sedo 4L auction
At $450 with 5 days left
Namejet Names at Auction
BucksCounty.com $7,324
lous.com $5,805
yumeiren.com $2,050
tomark.com $1,750
JoinTheRevolution.com $1,574
synergetix.com $1,422
BlueJob.com $708
landf.com $690
DragStar.com $626
YogaWarmup.com $550
Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF SEPTEMBER 17, 2021
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