Over half of organizations have now deployed Office 365, while G Suite adoption seems to have slowed to a halt: Bitglass report

The usage of Office 365 among organizations globally has reached over 56% in 2018, up from 34% in 2016, whereas the usage of G Suite remained steady at 25%, according to Cloud Adoption 2018 War report by Bitglass. Bitglass, the Silicon Valley-based Next-Gen CASB company, analyzed the email domains of over 135,000 organizations globally to measure the enterprise use of major cloud productivity platforms. According to the report, the adoption of cloud has rapidly increased over the years, with 81% organizations using cloud services in 2018. This is an increase of 37% since 2016, and of 238% since 2014. The cloud adoption has opened doors to new opportunities for the managed IT service providers to offer several cloud-based tools. Along with the productivity tools like Microsoft’s Office 365 and Google’s G Suite, there are several messaging applications for rapid communication, file sync and share applications for instant collaboration, etc. Office 365 vs G Suite adoption over the years Office 365 and G Suite come with a broad range of tools that help companies make their business more productive by enabling teams to work smarter and improve operations. According to Bitglass report, the deployment of Office 365 has rapidly increased over the years. In 2014, G Suite usage was ahead of Office 365. However, Office 365 surpassed G Suite in 2016, with nearly 26% rise in adoption.  Get 30% Off on Cloud VPS  In 2018, Office 365 extended its lead, with more than 56% organizations using it globally, while only 25% organizations using G Suite. The stats show that deployment of Office 365 has grown more than twice in last two years as compared to G Suite. AWS: the most preferred IaaS solution Amazon Web Services (AWS), the cloud unit of Amazon, led the infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) segment, with 13.8% of organizations using it in 2018. Organizations go for IaaS solutions to avoid investments in IT infrastructure. The IaaS solutions provide scalable IT infrastructure that helps organizations reduce costs and the need of on-premises hardware. Despite competitors like Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, AWS was the go-to-choice for IaaS of all the industries. Individually, the technology industry used it the most (21.5%), followed by education (19.7%), and media (15.3%). Disparity between cloud usage and cloud security usage Undoubtedly, the organizations are using more cloud services than ever before, however, they’re lacking use of cloud security tools for authentication across cloud-based applications. Only 25% of organizations were using single sign-on (SSO) solutions to authenticate their users. The SSO is a security tool used to authenticate users across cloud apps by requiring them to sign in to a single portal. Bitglass said that there is a disparity between cloud usage (81%) and cloud security usage (25%), and it is a big problem. Apart from SSO, the other security capabilities like shadow IT discovery, data loss prevention, cloud encryption, malware detection, contextual access control, etc. should also be used to strengthen security. Education organizations using cloud apps the most because of offers By industry, education adopted cloud applications the most because of the discounts offered by vendors to this industry. 44.1% organizations in education were using G Suite. Further, less than 50% of organizations in retail were using Office 365 due to the existing large investments in IT infrastructure. Use of Office 365 doubled in healthcare and finance industries in the last two years. Cloud adoption varies by organization size Large enterprises adopted cloud applications the most, followed by medium-sized enterprises, and small businesses, according to the report. 74% of large organizations were using Office 365, closely followed by medium enterprises (73%). Whereas, it was used by around half of the small businesses. The large organizations (44.1%) were using SSO more than twice as compared to small businesses (17.9%).  Get 30% Off on Cloud VPS  Companies increase their use of cloud applications with the growth of organization to enhance productivity and collaboration across departments. Also read: 89% of organizations have either adopted or have plans to adopt a digital-first strategy: State of Digital Business Transformation 2018 Images Source: Bitglass


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