Top registrars cooled off in recent .com data

Top registrars cooled off in recent .com data

These are the fastest growing and largest domain name registrars for .com domains.

Picture of a column chart and a magnifying glass with the words ".com leaderboard"

ICANN has published the latest official data from Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) about the .com namespace. This registrar-by-registrar report covers April 2021.


Overall, the top registrars saw a slight decline in registrations in April compared to March. Newfold Digital fell back to earth after an outsized March, and NameSilo barely edged out GMO for the final spot on the overall chart.

Here’s how registrars did in terms of new .com registrations in April:

1.* (NYSE: GDDY) 943,953 (989,943 in March)
2. Namecheap Inc. 268,394 (304,558)
3. Alibaba (HiChina) 236,681 (239,989)
4. Newfold Digital+ 181,739 (350,358)
5. Tucows** (NASDAQ:TCX) 166,169 (191,583)
6. Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL) 161,105 (179,623)
7. IONOS^ 153,113 (130,470)
8. Dynadot 138,560 (97,678)
9. NameSilo 103,342 (115,765)
10. Wix (NASDAQ: WIX) 96,984 (110,517)

Here’s the leaderboard of the top registrars in terms of total .com registrations under management as of the end of April.

1. GoDaddy* 56,259,057 (56,052,675 in March)
2. Newfold Digital+  14,551,259 (14,611,936)
3. Tucows**  12,924,199 (12,966,909)
4. Namecheap 7,631,693 (7,510,860)
5. Alibaba 6,271,240 (6,159,477)
6. IONOS^ 5,942,360   (5,876,741)
7. TurnCommerce++ 4,789,133 (4,729,908)
8. Google 4,467,691 (4,378,455)
9. CentralNic^^ 3,218,595 (3,124,645)
10. NameSilo 2,196,964


Many domain companies have multiple accreditations and I’ve tried to capture the largest ones. See the notes below.

* Includes GoDaddy, Wild West Domains, Uniregistry and 123 Reg
** Includes Tucows, Enom, Ascio and EPAG
+ Includes PDR,, FastDomain, Bigrock, Network Solutions,, SnapNames registrars, and Crazy Domains/Dreamscape. There are other Newfold registrars, but these are the biggest.
++ Includes NameBright and DropCatch registrars
^ Includes 1&1, PSI, Cronon, United-Domains, Arsys and world4you
^^ Includes Key-Systems, 1API,, TLD Registrar Solutions, RegistryGate, Moniker, Instra

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Original article: Top registrars cooled off in recent .com data

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