This .xyz investor is having a heck of a week

This .xyz investor is having a heck of a week

Swetha Yenugula sold four .xyz domains for $20k+ this week.

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In April, I wrote about domain name investor Swetha Yenugula. She’s found a profitable niche in .xyz, an extension that many domain name investors wrote off long ago.

At the time, Yenugula told me she had sold over 300 .xyz domain names with a median price of $2,000, or roughly $600,000 in revenue.

She seems to have been stepping it up lately. Here are some of her sales this week:

It’s noteworthy that the top sale,, was to a blockchain company.

Yenugula’s sales aren’t just luck. She’s invested a lot in .xyz and the quality of names she sells are no longer available to hand register. In April, she carried a portfolio of 16,000 domains. It looks to be bigger now. Back then, she told me her investments were profitable with a total investment of $450,000. Given the high prices she’s getting for .xyz domains lately, it looks like she’s doing even better.

Post link: This .xyz investor is having a heck of a week

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Original article: This .xyz investor is having a heck of a week

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