Swetha strikes again: Quest.xyz sells for record-breaking $70k

Swetha strikes again: Quest.xyz sells for record-breaking $70k

Domain investor sets a new record for a non-numeric .xyz domain sale.

Megaphone with the words Record Breaker

Domain name investor Swetha Yenugula had another incredible week with .xyz domain name sales, including selling quest.xyz for $69,888. This is the most ever paid for a non-numeric .xyz domain name, at least that has been publicly reported and captured at NameBio.

She also sold optics.xyz for $19,888 and common.xyz for $14,888.

This follows last week’s sales of Flip.xyz for $27,888 and three domains for $19,888 each: Guild.xyz, Loot.xyz and Creator.xyz.

It’s worth noting that Swetha owns a huge portfolio of .xyz domains with nearly 20,000. Still, she was profitably on her portfolio back in April of this year when her tops sales seemed to be in the four figures. So her recent uptick has made it even more profitable.

Post link: Swetha strikes again: Quest.xyz sells for record-breaking $70k

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Original article: Swetha strikes again: Quest.xyz sells for record-breaking $70k

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