These are the fastest growing and largest domain name registrars for .com domains.
ICANN has published the latest official data from Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) about the .com namespace. This registrar-by-registrar report covers March 2021.
Newfold turned in strong new registrations numbers for March thanks to an outsized contribution from PDR. NameSilo also shot up with the #8 performance of the month for new .com registrations.
Here’s how registrars did in terms of new .com registrations in March:
1.* (NYSE: GDDY) 989,943 (925,152 in February)
2. Newfold Digital+ 350,358 (206,774)
3. Namecheap Inc. 304,558 (264,318)
4. Alibaba (HiChina) 239,989 (121,647)
5. Tucows** (NASDAQ:TCX) 191,583 (181,553)
6. Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL) 179,623 (158,100)
7. IONOS^ 130,470 (128,099)
8. NameSilo 115,765
9. Wix (NASDAQ: WIX) 110,517 (101,812)
10. Dynadot 97,678 (96,021)
Here’s the leaderboard of the top registrars in terms of total .com registrations under management as of the end of March.
1. GoDaddy* 56,052,675 (55,682,410 in February)
2. Newfold Digital+ 14,611,936 (14,503,701)
3. Tucows** 12,966,909 (12,966,924)
4. Namecheap 7,510,860 (7,322,036)
5. Alibaba 6,159,477 (6,089,089)
6. IONOS^ 5,876,741 ( 5,826,355)
7. TurnCommerce++ 4,729,908 (4,704,384)
8. Google 4,378,455 (4,274,969)
9. CentralNic^^ 3,124,645 (3,079,555)
10. GMO 2,130,658 (2,087,633)
Many domain companies have multiple accreditations and I’ve tried to capture the largest ones. See the notes below.
* Includes GoDaddy, Wild West Domains, Uniregistry and 123 Reg
** Includes Tucows, Enom, Ascio and EPAG
+ Includes PDR,, FastDomain, Bigrock, Network Solutions,, SnapNames registrars, and Crazy Domains/Dreamscape. There are other Newfold registrars, but these are the biggest.
++ Includes NameBright and DropCatch registrars
^ Includes 1&1, PSI, Cronon, United-Domains, Arsys and world4you
^^ Includes Key-Systems, 1API,, TLD Registrar Solutions, RegistryGate, Moniker, Instra
Post link: Newfold surges in latest .com report
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