Here’s what made news in the domain name business last month.
1. OnlineNIC says it’s shutting down because of Facebook lawsuit – The company is no longer defending Facebook’s lawsuit and told the court it was shutting down within days. It hasn’t done that, though, and it recently agreed to sell a portfolio of its domains to Facebook
2. PayPal is increasing its fees next month – That would be this month, now. Fees went up yesterday.
3. The man who beat Jack Ma apparently shares the same view on domains – Kassey Lee examines the domains these two Chinese entrepreneurs selected.
4. GoDaddy adds back Whois counts – GoDaddy added back a feature it removed during an upgrade. It’s a useful feature when used in context.
5. Epik becomes latest owner of DNForum – Domain registrar becomes the fourth owner of DNForum in the past five years.
#348 – Buying and selling content sites with Michael Bereslavsky
#347 – .US and domain sales review with Ron Jackson
#346 – Selling grills at with Ryan Malbie
#345 – SBA loans for online businesses with Chris Hurn
Post link: July’s top domain name stories
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