Epik is sold

Deal completed after lawsuit settlement.

Logo for Epik domain name company

The sale of Epik to a new entity has been completed, Domain Name Wire has confirmed.

Earlier this week, the company agreed to sell its registrar and hosting business to Epik LLC, a new entity that appears to be backed by the same people behind Registered Agents, Inc.

But the deal was in flux after one person Epik owed money to asked a court to block the deal. That person settled with the company yesterday and terminated the lawsuit, allowing the deal to go through.


The original deal — which might have been adjusted to resolve the lawsuit — had a $4.9 million price tag. Most of that was earmarked to pay off debts Epik owed. Among the debt was significant trade debt owed to registries. Now that those debts are paid off, Epik should be able to continue servicing domain name renewals.

Post link: Epik is sold

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