Kassey Lee will let you know if your domains are also Pinyin.
Here are the domains owned by ten well-known brands in China: Anta.com, Pingan.com, Alibaba.com, Suning.com, Haier.com, Lining.com, Bilibili.com, Yili.com, Lexin.com, and Boke.com. Can you spot any domains that are not Pinyin?
How many have you found? Actually, all of them are Pinyin domains. It becomes easier to see when the names are written in the Pinyin way, as shown in the table below.
Brand | Pinyin | Chinese | Pin |
Anta | An Ta | 安踏 | 2 |
Pingan | Ping An | 平安 | 2 |
Alibaba | A Li Ba Ba | 阿里巴巴 | 4 |
Suning | Su Ning | 苏宁 | 2 |
Haier | Hai Er | 海尔 | 2 |
Lining | Li Ning | 李宁 | 2 |
Bilibili | Bi Li Bi Li | 哔哩哔哩 | 4 |
Yili | Yi Li | 伊利 | 2 |
Lexin | Le Xin | 乐信 | 2 |
Boke | Bo Ke | 波克 | 2 |
They are great domains because they are short, mostly 2-pin (which are the most popular Pinyin type in China), and pronounceable outside China. This feature greatly helps the brands go global.
I don’t invest in Pinyin domains because I prefer selling to the whole world instead of just China. However, I do own some domains in .com which also happen to be Pinyin, such as Zeeran (Ze Er An=择而安), Dimiou (Di Mi Ou=狄蜜欧), and Bamalu (Ba Ma Lu=爸妈路).
Do you own any Pinyin domains which are also pronounceable outside China? If you suspect some of your domains may be Pinyin, list them in the comment area and I’ll check them for you.
Post link: Are your domains also Pinyin?
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Original article: Are your domains also Pinyin?
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