10 big companies making domain name mistakes

10 big companies making domain name mistakes

These companies should upgrade their domain names.

Man covering his face wearing a yellow shirt

These companies have made poor domain name choices.

Being big does not necessarily mean you are better at choosing your domain. When I survey the corporate landscape in China, I see many large companies needing to upgrade their domains.

Brand-matching is the golden rule of domains. For example, Jack Ma founded a company called Alibaba Group Holding Limited, but it is generally called “Alibaba”. Therefore, its brand is “Alibaba” and so the brand-matching domain is Alibaba.com, not AlibabaGroup .com, AlibabaGroupHolding .com, or AlibabaGroupHoldingLimited .com. Of course, the acronym version is also acceptable, such as JD.com for Jing Dong.

Based on the brand-matching rule, let’s look at some mistakes made by Fortune China 100 companies.

No. Mistake Brand Domain
1 Adding prefix China Life e-ChinaLife.com
2 Adding suffix China Merchants Bank CMBchina.com
3 Not brand Country Garden BGY.com.cn
4 Using subdomain PetroChina PetroChina.com.cn
5 Incorrect acronym WZ Group ZJMI56.com
6 Incorrect spelling Bank of Communications BankComm.com
7 Incorrect order China Shenhua ShenhuaChina.com
8 Using other ccTLD CRRC CRRCgc.cc
9 Long acronym China Railway (CREC) CRECG.com
10 No understanding China Communications Construction ccccLTD.cn

In the case of #3, the company is called “Country Garden Holdings Company Limited” and its Chinese name is Bì Guì Yuan (碧桂园). However, since “Country Garden” appears in its logo, I consider its brand being “Country Garden”.

#10 shows a complete lack of understanding of domains. There are three issues: (1) The acronym should be “ccc” not “cccc”; (2) The word “LTD” (for “limited” should not be used; (3) .com should be used because it’s a Fortune China 100 company!

As you can see, even some of the largest companies in China do not own their brand-matching domains.

Post link: 10 big companies making domain name mistakes

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